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Core Values of EMBRIO

Nine core values of the Institute guide all aspects of our work together: 

  1. Synthesize intentions, evidence, and judgment to contribute to a better world. We will tackle important research challenges, openly share findings and approaches to interdisciplinary collaboration, and develop the next generation of STEM professionals through premier training and coaching programs.


  1. Prioritize diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and accessibility. The EMBRIO Institute – composed of scholars from multiple institutions that include undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research scientists, and faculty – is committed to continuously reflecting on how every aspect of its operation and agenda is designed and implemented in a manner that ensures all members are able to access and participate in Institute activities (e.g., research, training, community-building and collaboration, outreach, and professional development). We aim to benefit the research community and society at large through open access publications, presentations, and educational resources.


  1. Embrace the benefits of diversity to drive scientific innovation and personal growth. We will honestly acknowledge expertise, values, and contributions of all members as essential to successful collaboration and innovation. The diversity of experiences and resources that EMBRIO members possess will enrich our work together. 


  1. Promote a sense of accountability, collective ownership, and responsibility. We will empower EMBRIO members to take the initiative within their own projects, education, and outreach activities to develop new leaders, spark innovation, and engender a sense of mutual responsibility and ownership of the Institute.


  1. Commit to making a collective impact on science and education. Through intentional reflection on how activities within the institute are integrated, all members of EMBRIO will contribute to our common agenda for research, education, and broadening participation and a collective impact that is greater than the sum of its individual parts. 


  1. Collaborate through a culture of trust and mutual respect. Trust and respect are essential to collaboration and are the critical foundation for the EMBRIO Institute. We will promote these values through transparency in communication across the institute, support of scholars and educators at all stages, and reinforcing the idea that all members have essential ideas and skills to contribute. Interacting empathically with people with different lived experiences will create stronger teams that target important problems 


  1. Maintain and advance high standards for research process and products. We will adhere to research and education practices that embody responsible and ethical conduct expectations to lead to outputs and outcomes that we and others can trust and build upon. 


  1. Continue to learn and grow. The EMBRIO Institute brings together scholars to lend their perspectives and expertise to solve important problems in research, education, and broadening participation. Each institute member will be transformed and contribute to the transformation of others as a result of this collaborative endeavor. Institute members must be open to intellectual and holistic growth and development.

  2. Develop and empower emerging leaders. The vision and mission of the institute cannot, and should not, be achieved through the actions of a few. We will provide all EMBRIO members who have the initiative and motivation to create and lead activities and programming the support and opportunity to do so. In this way, the EMBRIO Institute will be successful, relevant to its members, and transform the field of integrative biology through the development of the next generation of leaders.